Best Hair Extensions in Dubai

Hair Extensions Specialist in Dubai
Tape Hair Extensions

Unsuitable Hair: Some clients just don’t have suitable hair for extensions. If you pull lightly on your hair and it breaks or if you have extremely short or badly bleached hair then extensions are not for you.

Inexperienced Technicians: As hair extensions have gained in popularity so too has the number of hair extension “experts”. As hair extensions are unregulated in DUBAI anyone can claim to be a professional.

Method of Attachment: Some methods like glue or weaving can be quite bulky at the roots and can appear quite obvious.

Wrong Hair Texture: It is important the hair extension texture matches the natural hair. It goes without saying that if you have straight hair that you shouldn’t add curly extensions and vice versa.

Wrong Hair Type: If your hair is really fine then thick extensions (i.e. Asian hair) will not blend nor look natural. Make sure the extension hair matches your natural hair in thickness, texture and density.

Poor Positioning of Extensions: Hair extensions can’t just be added wherever you can find some natural hair on your head. Attachments should not be positioned too close to the hair line or to the crown.

Processed Hair: Should be avoided at all costs. Ensure that the extension hair is virgin with its cuticles intact.

Lack of Maintenance & Styling: If you don’t wash your hair regularly or use quality hair products your hair extensions cannot look their best.  While this may sound like obvious advice many people wearing extensions for the first time believe that treating them like their natural hair contributes to the extension’s early demise.  This is false! If you treat your extensions exactly as you would your natural hair you are doing your extensions a gigantic favour!

Poor Quality Bonds: Even if you have chosen the best quality hair it still won’t look good if the quality of the attachments is poor. There is nothing worse than extensions added using glue and being able to see the adhesive.

Bad Layering: Extensions need to be layered correctly. If the extensions aren’t layered in naturally, you’ll have extensions that stand out and scream, “I am wearing extensions”! So for you ladies out there considering hair extensions

 I hope this list helps you out so that you know what to avoid. For the “first-timers” it may sound like a lot to consider but if you go to an experienced technician then she will answer all these questions without you ever asking yourself. However, if after reading this, you go to a salon where during the consultation they try to sell you some Russian virgin extensions to put in your head of curly dark hair it is probably time to get up and walk out!

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